Hello all, I'm #Maia (she/her/hers)!
I obtained my Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at the University of California, Merced under the advisement of Prof. Arnold Kim. Previously, I attended the University of Northern Colorado, where I obtained a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics with a concentration in Computer Science and a minor in Sociology. Work toward my thesis involved studying the nature of online disagreement and structural differences between different types of speech, as well as the spread of misinformation online.
I am currently working as a Data Analyst for the Office of Federal Funds and Strategic Initiatives at the Colorado Governor's office in Denver, Colorado!
Equity has been a driving force, motivation, and goal throughout my entire life, and is thus present in both the interests of my personal life and my research endeavors. I would like to be a part of the growing community of individuals that are combining social justice, data, and mathematics to create measurable change toward equity.
Outside of mathematics, my hobbies are discovering/bingeing new TV shows, playing video games (primarily Animal Crossing and Pokémon), listening to music, eating dumplings, and creating art.